Monday 22 October 2018

10 Incredibly Interesting Bed Bug Facts You Need To Know

Everyone knows about bed bug. As you know bed bugs are very common pets in everybody’s home. Because of the increase in travel and the old furniture, these bed bugs very easily spread across many places. Bed bugs spread in both of the home and business places.

But then are you aware with some of the facts of bed bugs that you must be aware of? Here are a few such incredibly interesting facts about bed bugs that you must know for sure.

Beg bugs will spread while traveling:
  • Bed bugs love to travel. They move around very slowly but they keep on moving. They will not stay stable in one place.
  • They spread with the help of furniture, suitcases, bags and other parcels. They spread easily even in clothes.
  • They spread even while you are traveling in buses and trains. They easily move into the bags that you are traveling with.

Bedbugs- three square meals a day:
  • Bed bugs usually appear in a line. They have the habit of biting three times a day. They bit once and then start moving to some other place.
  • Then again after the second bit they will again move to some other place.
  • As said before they will not stay at one place, they will be moving all around in a line. They won’t stay in one place stable.
Bed bugs are anesthesiologists:
  • Bedbugs are one of those creatures that will bite without creating pain.
  • Bedbugs will bite you in such a manner that you won’t even know that they are biting you. They bit you without disturbing you.

They sustain even in clean place:
  • Bedbugs reside even in dirty places. They do not care even if the place is dirty. They can reside wherever they like.
  • But then it also moves around the places which are very clean. Usually, people think that bed bugs will reside in the dirty places. But then it will also stay in clean and tidy places.
  • All the bed bugs want is good food. If they find good food in a clean place, they will undoubtedly reside there as well. Hire Pest Controllers for Bed Bug Control.

Bed bugs lay a lot of eggs:
  • If the bedbugs are residing in the place they like, then they will not delay in laying eggs.
  • Bed bugs can spread across easily like wildfire. They can spread easily across many places. The female bed bugs can easily lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime.
  • Bed bugs will not withstand in high temperature. They do not like hot places and high temperature. They will not stay in the places where there is a high temperature.
  • Bed bugs will also go on a diet sometimes. It might be shocking but it a true fact, bed bugs diet some days whenever they feel like.
  • Bed bugs also fight against insecticides. They can literally flight against the other insecticides.
If your area is infested with bed bugs as well, hire a Professional Pest Control Brisbane company today.